HiFin Coral Blue Variatus

Sale price$7.99


The HiFin Coral Blue Variatus, scientifically known as Xiphophorus variatus, is a captivating and unique freshwater fish species highly regarded for its vibrant coloration and distinctive fin structure. This variety of Variatus Platy stands out due to its striking blue and orange hues and the presence of elongated, sail-like dorsal and anal fins, giving it the "HiFin" designation. Here is a detailed description of the HiFin Coral Blue Variatus:


  1. Size: HiFin Coral Blue Variatus are small-sized fish, typically reaching an adult size of about 2 to 2.5 inches (5 to 6.4 centimeters) in length.
  2. Body Shape: They have an elongated, somewhat flattened body typical of platies, with a slightly curved profile. The most distinctive feature is their elongated dorsal and anal fins, which resemble a sail or fan, giving them the "HiFin" name.
  3. Coloration: The HiFin Coral Blue Variatus is characterized by its vibrant coloration. Their body is typically a beautiful shade of blue, and their dorsal and anal fins can display hues of orange, red, or yellow. Some individuals may have a slightly metallic sheen to their scales.


  1. Peaceful Nature: HiFin Coral Blue Variatus are known for their peaceful and sociable temperament. They are excellent choices for community aquariums and coexist harmoniously with a wide range of peaceful fish species.


  1. Origin: Variatus Platies, including the HiFin Coral Blue variety, are originally from Central America, particularly regions in Mexico and Guatemala. They are commonly found in freshwater streams, rivers, and slow-moving bodies of water with plenty of aquatic vegetation.
  2. Aquarium Setup: To create an ideal habitat for HiFin Coral Blue Variatus, provide an aquarium with live or artificial plants, driftwood, and open swimming spaces. They thrive in water conditions with a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C), a pH level between 7.0 and 8.0, and moderately hard water.


  1. Omnivorous Feeders: HiFin Coral Blue Variatus are omnivores and accept a varied diet. They primarily feed on high-quality flakes or pellets formulated for tropical fish. Additionally, they can be supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to enhance their coloration and overall health.


  1. Peaceful Tankmates: HiFin Coral Blue Variatus are peaceful and can coexist with a wide range of compatible tankmates, including other peaceful community fish species. They are social and do well when kept in groups, so it's advisable to keep them in schools of at least six or more individuals.


  1. Livebearers: Variatus Platies, including HiFin Coral Blue Variatus, are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live fry rather than laying eggs. They are known for their prolific breeding habits, making them relatively easy to breed in a home aquarium. Provide ample hiding spots or floating plants to protect the newborn fry from potential predation by adult fish.

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