Gold Gourami

Sale price$8.99


The Gold Gourami, scientifically known as Trichogaster trichopterus or Trichopodus trichopterus, is a captivating and popular freshwater fish cherished by aquarists for its vibrant coloration, graceful appearance, and relatively easy care requirements. This species belongs to the labyrinth fish family, characterized by their ability to breathe atmospheric air.

As its name suggests, the Gold Gourami displays a stunning, metallic gold or honey-yellow coloration that spans its entire body. Its fins often showcase hues of orange or red, adding a beautiful contrast to its overall appearance. The body is elongated and slightly compressed, exhibiting a graceful and streamlined form.

One of the most striking features of the Gold Gourami is its iridescent scales that shimmer under proper lighting, creating an eye-catching display in an aquarium setting. These fish can reach sizes of up to 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 centimeters) in length, making them a prominent presence in medium to large-sized tanks.

Known for their calm and peaceful temperament, Gold Gouramis are typically suitable for community aquariums, although males may display territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods. Providing sufficient hiding spots and territories can help alleviate aggression among tank mates.

A well-planted aquarium with plenty of open swimming space and areas shaded by floating plants is ideal for Gold Gouramis. They thrive in stable water conditions with temperatures ranging from 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C) and a pH level between 6.0 to 7.5.

In terms of diet, Gold Gouramis are omnivorous and generally accept a variety of foods. They readily consume high-quality flake or pellet foods, and their diet can be supplemented with live or frozen treats such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. A diverse diet ensures they receive essential nutrients for optimal health and coloration.

Breeding Gold Gouramis is possible in a separate breeding tank. The male builds a bubble nest at the water surface, and after courtship, the female lays eggs in the nest. The male guards the eggs and later the fry until they become free-swimming.

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