The Blue Eye Daisy Ricefish, scientifically known as Oryzias woworae, is a small and enchanting freshwater fish species that hails from the remote islands of Indonesia. This ricefish variety is celebrated by aquarium enthusiasts for its captivating iridescent blue eyes and unique coloration, making it a prized addition to aquariums designed for small, peaceful species.
Appearance: The Blue Eye Daisy Ricefish is named for its mesmerizing and distinctive bright blue eyes, which stand out against its translucent body. These fish are petite, typically reaching lengths of 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) when fully grown. Their bodies are generally translucent with a silvery hue, and they feature beautiful iridescent scales that shimmer in various shades of blue and green, especially when exposed to light. Their dorsal fins are elongated and have a striking, thread-like appearance, adding to their charm.
Behavior and Personality: Blue Eye Daisy Ricefish are peaceful and sociable fish that tend to thrive in groups. They exhibit shoaling behavior, which means they feel most comfortable and secure when kept with their own kind or other small, peaceful fish species. Their gentle disposition makes them an excellent choice for community aquariums.
Habitat and Care: These ricefish are relatively undemanding when it comes to care, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. To provide them with an ideal habitat, set up a well-planted aquarium with areas for hiding and swimming. Maintain a stable water temperature in the range of 75°F to 80°F (24°C to 27°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH level (around 6.0 to 7.5).
Diet: Blue Eye Daisy Ricefish are omnivorous and have a varied diet. They can be fed high-quality flake foods, small pellets, and live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and micro worms. A diverse diet will help ensure their overall health and vitality.
Compatibility: These ricefish are generally peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive fish species that share similar water parameters. However, it's essential to avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive fish that might intimidate or harm them. Keeping them in groups of five or more is recommended to encourage their natural shoaling behavior and reduce stress.
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